ESG Management Policy
CyberLogitec evaluates and implements what may be done to build a more sustainable tomorrow.
We define particular Environmental, Social, and Governance goals
and seek to attain them by implementing sustainability-related principles and systems with the purpose of producing sustainable values.
Outline and objective of ethical management
CyberLogitec places the greatest emphasis on providing the finest possible service to clients via fair and transparent corporate management,
and it encourages autonomous management based on autonomy and accountability.
As a result, via law-abiding business actions, we will accomplish common growth by respecting the free market economic system
and pursuing common interests with all stakeholders.
To that aim, we intend to develop and enforce ethical standards for all executives and employees.
Code of Ethics
CyberLogitec develops the greatest quality and service in the world to provide customers with limitless satisfaction,
and it fulfills its corporate social responsibility via transparent management practices.
To become a company trusted by customers and investors, and to increase the value of all stakeholders,
we established the following standards of behavior and principles that all executives, employees,
and the company must adhere to and actively implement.
A. Basic Ethics of CyberLogitec' People
- We perform our tasks and commitments to realize the company's corporate philosophy.
- We preserve our dignity as CyberLogitec’ people and tirelessly carry out our responsibilities.
- We safeguard the company's assets and never utilize information collected in the course of business for personal gain.
- We do not do concurrent business that is detrimental to the company's interests.
B. Obligations and Responsibilities to Our Customers
- We always offer our customers the finest service possible and work hard to protect and promote their rights and interests.
- We always respect our customers' opinions and keep our promises made with them.
- We only present our customers with accurate and fair information.
- We strictly preserve customer information and do not disclose it to other parties without justifiable reasons.
C. Obligations and Responsibilities to Our Investors
- We make every effort to improve investment earnings.
- We always provide stakeholders, including shareholders, with relevant information.
- We strive to defend shareholders' interests via transparent and competent management.
D. Competition with Competitors
- We adhere to the free competition principle with competitors.
- We engage in fair and honest competition in the industry and market.
E. Relationship with Business Partners
- We pursue cooperative development with our business partners based on mutual trust.
- We do not take any interest-related remuneration from business partners.
F. Responsibilities to the Company's Executives Employees
- The company strives to make all executives and employees feel pleased and valued.
- The company regards all executives and employees as equal human beings and gives each person an equal opportunity to exhibit his or her ability.
- The company takes adequate steps to ensure the health and safety of all executives and employees and seeks to improve the members' quality of life.
- The company respects all executives and employees and does not accept workplace bullying or sexual harassment that disregards individuals' characters.
G. Responsibility to the Nation and Society
- We contribute to the advancement of the nation and society, as well as the development of a strong corporate culture.
- We follow domestic and international regulations and meet our tax responsibilities.
- We work hard to preserve nature and the environment.
Outline and objective of ethical management
To fulfill its social duties and responsibilities in different interactions with our members and stakeholders,
CyberLogitec has devised and now operates the 'Anti-corruption Policy' outlined below.
- All members of CyberLogitec do not participate in corrupt practices.
- All members of CyberLogitec follow federal and international anti-corruption legislation, as well as internal corporate regulations.
- The company rigorously bans different sorts of corruption, such as offering money, valuables and other benefits to stakeholders in connection with their duties, or making improper solicitations.
- The company establishes and regularly implements and improves an efficient management system that prevents various sorts of corruption.
- The company administers the reporting mechanism in good faith while keeping the informant's personal information confidential.
- Members who violate the anti-corruption policy will face severe disciplinary action.
- The company grants the organization and its members in charge of anti-corruption autonomous standing, as well as the essential authority and responsibility for anti-corruption.
Methods of corruption counseling and reporting
- Anyone who becomes aware of corruption may report it to the anti-corruption officer.
- Report by mail to : 16th Floor, Nuritkum Square R&D Tower, Worldcup-bukro 396, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 03925, Republic of Korea
- Report by e-mail to :
Safety and Health Management Policy
CyberLogitec' dedication to safety and health management is shared by its members and stakeholders.
To protect the lives and safety of customers and employees, the following safety and health management policies have been implemented.
- CyberLogitec understands that the lives and safety of its customers and members are of the utmost importance.
- CyberLogitec' management explicitly declares its dedication to safety and health management and takes the initiative in practice.
- The company scrupulously follows the demands of safety and health laws.
- The company examines all operations of its facilities and services to see whether there are any hazardous or dangerous aspects, and continually strengthens areas that require improvement.
- The company assures its members' involvement to safeguard their safety and health, as well as continuous education, training, and learning opportunities.
Quality Policy
We are performing the following in order to diligently carry out our basic responsibility of offering the best logistics service to our customers.
Nurturing service specialists through internal and external service training
Establishing advanced quality system and monitoring periodically
Achieving customer satisfaction by providing high-quality service
Generating future value through continual and creative quality innovation
and by putting them into action, they do their best to generate value for future challenges and growth.
management -
Achieving customer
satisfaction -
manpower -
Executing innovation
proposals -
Monitoring quality
improvements -
Operations of EUSU Holdings Yanghyun Foundation
EUSU Holdings founded the Yanghyun Foundation to add value to the local community through charitable social contributions.
Yanghyun Foundation will actively contribute to society by funding academic and research activities related to shipping and logistics,
providing scholarships for the development of human resources in the shipping industry,
and providing medical assistance and social welfare support to children suffering from incurable diseases such as pediatric cancer.
- 01 Shipping/Logistics/Marine Research Support Project
- We will support shipping, logistics, and marine affairs research institutes and organizations, as well as play a role in the development of the shipping business through scholarship projects for shipping, logistics-related schools, and students, in order to cultivate competent people who will lead the shipping industry's future.
- 02 Medical Support Project
- We use art play psychotherapy to improve the health and emotional well-being of children with incurable diseases, and we want to bring dreams and hopes to children in need through a variety of activities, such as the development of apps for pediatric cancer patients, support for the Wall of Hope project, and support for the delivery of cholera vaccines in Nepal.
- 03 Social Welfare Project
- By funding welfare initiatives for the impoverished and needy, the Yanghyun Foundation is helping to convert the world into a warmer and more affluent place. We will practice living together in prosperity by creating programs such as volunteer activities of Serving Meals, support for cultural experience activities for children in social welfare facilities, and support for undernourished children's meals.
- 04 Scholarship Support Project
- We will do our best to provide opportunities for students to pursue their studies and dreams by supporting scholarships for sailors' children, online class textbooks and psychological counseling treatment support, workshops and creative writing contests for students with health disabilities who struggle in school due to long-term hospitalization caused by incurable diseases.
- 05 Yanghyun Art Award Project and Support
- The Yanghyunn Art Award was founded to encourage world-class talent and contribute to the development of the Korean art world by offering a platform for domestic and foreign mid-level artists with outstanding artistic perfection to introduce their works in earnest. The former Chairman Suho Cho, regarded as a businessman who values culture and art, highlighted the need of cultivating talents in many artistic and cultural disciplines. Through the foundation of the Yanghyun Art Award, the Yanghyun Foundation intends to practice the principle of social contribution and sharing through Mecenat activities.
Human Rights and Labor Policy
CyberLogitec supports actions that are considered as vital for employee protection and the advancement of human rights. Discrimination is prohibited in the hiring, promotion, and work-family balance processes, and regular inspections and management are carried out to contribute to raising the level of human rights in our society, such as the prohibition of child labor, the prohibition of sex discrimination, and the prohibition of forced labor.
Moreover, we assist our employees in performing their jobs in a healthy and safe way that conforms with their aptitudes and capacities.
Creating an environment to protect human rights
- 01. Prevention of Harassment in the Workplace
CyberLogitec adopted 'workplace harassment policies' in July 2019 and is giving related training
and assistance on how to respond to create a positive working culture together.
- When an agreement between the parties is wanted, such as an apology from the committing person
- Informal investigation
- Communicating victims' requests to committing person
- When a solution via company-wide investigation is preferred
- Referral to the HR committee after fact-finding
- Decision on whether to admit harassment and whether to take disciplinary actions
- 02. Operation of the Work Council
CyberLogitec formed a Work Council to foster a healthy working environment in which the company and its employees may grow based on mutual trust and respect,
and human rights are protected, and it actively supports the council's functioning.
Handling Committee