- CyberLogitec企业标识更新为CLT
- 海运、港口/码头和物流运营技术领域的领先IT公司CyberLogitec宣布,其企业标识(CI)已于2024年4月1日更新。新标识在三个月内从之前的"CyberLogitec"更新为"CLT"。 新设计的企业标识突出了CLT的技术。它由一个几何图形组成,意为"模块"。新的企业标识通过图案发展和图形单元组合,标志着该公司的扩张和可持续发展。CLT中拼写之间的连接形式代表了CLT的核心价值,即通过合作开发一个综合系统。此外,新企业标识的设计基于公司的未来发展方向,包含以下寓意:1) 以客户为中心 (Customer-centric):提供灵活的模块系统和独立的协同集成解决方案,满足客户需求2) 领先 (Leading):代表未来导向和可扩展性,不仅限于海事、港口和物流技术,成为全球领先的IT企业。3) 科技 (Technology):通过CLT最尖端的技术和IT,追求美好未来和生活效率的数字化品牌。自2000年成立以来,CyberLogitec作为一家海运、港口/码头专业IT出口公司,在海外的知名度超过国内,其90%的收入来自海外。CyberLogitec宣称,作为一家全球性IT公司,企业标识的更新旨在为海运、港口/码头和物流行业提供创新的IT服务。
- CyberLogitec announced the implementation of OPUS D&D (Demurrage & Detention) in Yusen Logistics
- Nov 6, 2023 - CyberLogitec, the leading provider of maritime, port/terminal, and logistics operations technologies and a subsidiary of EUSU Holdings, announced in Nov 2023 that SaaS-based OPUS D&D (Demurrage & Detention) had been implemented in Yusen Logistics. Yusen Logistics launched OPUS D&D service mainly in UK regions in April 2022, expanding the service to 19 countries, including the US, Europe, and China. Also, the expansion plan for the Southeast Asia region is scheduled. OPUS D&D has been introduced as per the needs of the independent system, which is capable of monitoring the Last Free Date before Free Time expiration and cost management in container DEM/DET. OPUS D&D provides the management in container DEM/DET (Demurrage/Detention) for 3PL company. Most 3PL companies need help with cost management since DEM/DET cost is manually calculated. Systemic management in DEM/DET is complex because DEM/DET is calculated based on the information of complex charging structure in each shipping liner and region-wise and holiday. Moreover, it requires separate management for exceptions as, in many cases, free time is calculated by applying its freight contract condition for each shipping liner and shipper. In collaboration with Yusen Logistics, one of the Top 20 3PL companies in the world, CyberLogitec developed and released OPUS D&D capable of interfacing with the 3PL Logistics system utilizing its own DEM/DET function, which is developed based on over 20 years of maritime business knowledge for container shipping. OPUS D&D provides container-wise Free time monitoring that interfaces with customers’ legacy operation system, advance confirmation of charge effective date, and calculation and verification of DEM/DET cost. “OPUS D&D is a stable, scalable, and efficient independent cloud-based solution that offers an easy interface to the legacy system. DEM/DET cost, as per port pileup and disruption in the logistics network, DEM/DET cost has been a major issue for shipping liners and 3PL companies. We expect that many logistics companies, including Yusen Logistics’ successful implementation of OPUS D&D, could meet the operating cost reduction and efficient DEM/DET management by OPUS D&D.”, said Sung Jun Kim, Vice President of CyberLogitec.
- CyberLogitec开始提供SmartLink数据集成服务
- CyberLogitec注意到,企业在实施自动化计划时,往往会面临范围界定方面的挑战或成本方面的担忧。针对这些问题,CyberLogitec开始提供数据集成服务,为企业提供帮助。使用SmartLink的数据集成服务,客户不仅可以连接EDI,还可通过Oauth 2.0、Bearer Token等各种验证方法连接API,并通过电子流程集成实现文档和系统自动化,从而提高效率和降低成本。由于以前使用的EDI可读性低,要在数码港(CyberPort)全球航运业务网络(Global Shipping Business Network)中使用提单平台(eBL)服务,API连接是必不可少的。另一方面,通过CyberLogitec提供的SmartLink服务,可与在线平台、报关、仓库等物流合作伙伴实现快速、简便的数据集成。虽然这些在线平台有复杂的流程,如区块链安全认证,但海外许多航运公司和物流公司已经完成了采用。数据整合有助于管理物流业务的方方面面,如注册在线平台、处理货运、处理电子数据、填写海关文书和跟踪货物。它通过与合作伙伴和客户的数据连接,实时处理工作。他们还利用AIS数据与班轮公司数据之间的实时连接,提供船舶预计到达时间预测,帮助物流相关方获知货物的预计抵达日期。按照海运和物流流程去整合班轮公司/海关/仓库/客户的ERP等各种系统,是非常复杂的,而SmartLink的最大优势在于可以将多个系统的数据连接到一处。一般的IT服务由于其复杂和难以理解等特性,经常会在海运和物流过程中造成问题,而CyberLogitec在各种项目中积累了丰富的经验,因此可以做到无问题处理。此外,全天候服务台可随时随地提供服务。CyberLogitec最近宣布,可免费试用SmartLink的数据集成服务,付款方式多种多样,可以按文件处理,也可以按月付款。客户可登录CyberLogitec的网站(www.cyberlogitec.com)查询有关SmartLink数据集成服务的信息。关于CyberLogitecCyberLogitec利用创新技术为全球供应链赋能,应对运营挑战,提高可视性,满足行业需求。作为全球海运、港口和物流行业的领导者,该公司灵活的端到端解决方案和咨询服务帮助行业快速适应市场不断变化的需求。欲了解更多信息,请访问www.cyberlogitec.com
- CyberLogitec与日本航运公司神原汽船就航运运营解决方案签订合同
- 韩国首尔2023年8月24日 /美通社/ -- 领先的海运、港口/码头和物流运营技术提供商CyberLogitec宣布于2023年7月9日与神原汽船株式会社 (Kambara Kisen Co., Ltd.) 就包括ALLEGRO在内的四款解决方案签订交付合同,7月18日在CyberLogitec总部举行了签约仪式。为神原汽船提供的四款解决方案包括:ALLEGRO -- 支持数字化转型的综合航运运营解决方案,采用了最新的操作系统和流程;OPUS Stowage Prime -- 增加了自动配载规划功能;CARA -- 提供海运船期相关信息,涵盖各航运公司之间的战略合作、共享箱位数和箱位价格决策;以及SmartLink -- 提供扩展数据集成服务。神原汽船自2013年以来一直在使用CyberLogitec的OPUS Container、OPUS Stowage和SmartLink,此次合作加入了CyberLogitec的下一代数字集成解决方案。这些解决方案以最新的流程来应对日益严格且复杂的国际航运法律要求,同时满足全球航运市场的需求。合同中所包含的ALLEGRO将于2024年3月完成部署,四款解决方案的数据整合将提高航运班轮的可见性和效率,并提供更详细、更有意义的数据。神原汽船集装箱班轮部主管Toshiki Iwai表示:“神原汽船与CyberLogitec已经合作快十年了。由于CyberLogitec的产品出色且员工认真负责,我们可以把全部精力放在工作上。我们也期待未来有机会部署这家公司更先进的下一代解决方案。”CyberLogitec解决方案运营部副总裁Sung Jun Kim说道:“很荣幸再次与神原汽船合作。CyberLogitec以创新技术为支撑,提供航运咨询服务,能够满足快速变化的市场需求,同时还提供灵活且可扩展的解决方案。我们的解决方案有望帮助神原汽船进一步提高客户服务水平并实现更加灵活的运营管理。”
- CyberLogitec在泛洲海运完成OPUS Stowage解决方案的部署
- 韩国首尔2023年7月19日 /美通社/ -- 领先的海运、港口/码头和物流运营技术提供商 CyberLogitec 宣布,OPUS Stowage已成功在泛洲海运株式会社(Pan Continental Shipping)部署,后者是专注于韩国、中国、日本和东南亚航线的集装箱航运公司。泛洲海运引进该解决方案引起了广泛关注,因为它取代了该公司之前使用的其他公司的产品。OPUS Stowage是一项船舶配载计划解决方案,旨在最大限度提高集装箱船的装载量,并最大限度减少装卸时间。通过使用OPUS Stowage提供的各种功能,泛洲海运可以建立起一套工作流程,减少配载计划工作时间,并在配载计划工作增加、集装箱配载约束条件复杂多样的情况下,最大程度提高装卸效率。泛洲海运船舶运营团队负责人Sungbum-Park表示:"为了适应快速变化的海运市场环境,我们正在推进新系统的引进工作,OPUS Stowage就是其中之一。对接泛洲海运的原有系统后,OPUS Stowage预计将缩短配载计划时间,并通过预防危险货物装载错误等人为失误,显著提高工作效率。"CyberLogitec副总裁Sung Jun Kim称:"OPUS Stowage提供了一些基本的应用功能和各种报告功能,这些都是通过利用配载计划信息来处理的。特别是通过与泛洲海运原有系统中的集装箱订舱预测(CBF)界面实现的半自动化计划功能,该功能不仅显著缩短了工作时间,还有助于最大限度提高泛洲海运的配载计划工作效率。"###关于泛洲海运泛洲海运以Dong Sung Shipping的名义成立,于1969年开始从事船舶代理业务。1975年,公司与商船三井(MOL)在韩国的船务代理Sam Hyop Shipping合并,并于1976年更名为Hyopsung Shipping。1981年,在购买了两艘支线集装箱船后,公司开始经营韩日航线集装箱班轮运输业务,并于1983年更名为泛洲海运。自那时起,公司运营7艘集装箱船,为韩国-日本、韩国-中国、中国-日本和越南-泰国航线提供准时的班轮运输服务。欲了解更多信息,请访问:www.pancon.co.kr/
- CyberLogitec的OPUS码头在钦州自动化集装箱码头实施
- 海运、港口/码头和物流运营技术提供商CyberLogitec宣布,OPUS码头已在中国北部湾港口钦州自动化集装箱码头成功实施。 钦州自动化集装箱码头是世界上第一个U型全自动化码头,为码头的所有设备提供无人操作。 此外,CyberLogitec在半自动集装箱码头的ARMGC(自动轨道安装龙门起重机)和STS(船对船)技术方面积累的研发知识的基础上,早于计划时间成功实施了I-AGV(智能引导车辆)程序。 钦州自动化集装箱码头由北部湾港口集团(BGPG)于2022年6月28日建造,自启用以来,第一阶段已运营两个泊位。 在2023年底计划的第二阶段泊位扩建之前,CyberLogitec将继续关注BGPG在全自动化码头中寻求实现的安全水平,开发基于人工智能(AI)的智能预测计划和运营等先进功能,以实现高生产力和低成本运营,并提高码头生产力。 CyberLogitec副总裁Jeong Min Son评论道:,“CyberLogitec在实施全自动化码头方面的技术能力已通过BGPG项目的充分测试。为了按照全球港口码头的趋势为各种类型的设备和码头操作程序提供快速稳定的供应,CyberLogitech将率先实施智能终端操作系统。”(source: 物流巴巴)
- CyberLogitec为南星海运部署自动化船舶积载计划解决方案
- 韩国首尔2022年9月22日-- 海运、港口/码头和物流技术的领先供应商EUSU HOLDINGS旗下子公司CyberLogitec宣布,该公司的OPUS Stowage Prime解决方案被南星海运(Namsung Shipping)选中并已于2022年7月完成部署。 南星海运自2012年以来一直使用CyberLogitec的积载计划解决方案OPUS Stowage作为其船舶配载计划系统。OPUS Stowage Prime解决方案增加了自动化积载计划模块,旨在克服复杂的制约因素和因超大型船舶趋势而增加的配载计划工作量。OPUS Stowage Prime积载解决方案采用了新一代的自动化引擎,结合了智能算法,可根据装载规则、船舶稳定性、港口挂靠顺序、特殊货物分配、压载水优化等标准自动生成船舶配载计划。考虑到专业船舶规划人员作为领航员的能力有限,OPUS Stowage Prime解决方案的自动化船舶规划模块可帮助防止发生人为错误,它会缩短配载规划的工作时间,减少危险货物装载故障。该解决方案还能缩短配载计划的工作时间和工作流程,通过与传统系统的对接,最大限度地提高装卸货的生产率。CyberLogitec副总裁Sung-joon Kim表示:"OPUS Stowage Prime不仅在船舶计划工作中发挥了不可或缺的应用功能,而且还利用各种报告功能提供配载计划信息。特别是,自动化积载计划借助优化引擎在世界范围内首次被应用到实际工作中。通过这些功能,我们希望南星海运能够最大程度地实现船舶规划工作效率。
- Dongwon Global Terminal (DGT) selects CyberLogitec’s Terminal Operating System to align its operation for the First Fully Automated Terminal in the Republic of Korea
- Dongwon Global Teriminal (DGT) Consortium was selected as an operating company for West Container harbor in Busan New Port in 2021, and it will be on 30-years operation contract from July 2023, which is the 2nd to 5th operation phase of the west container harbor. The operating company will operate the terminal with six berths by integrating the 2nd 5th phase, 2nd 6th phase, and feeder harbors, andit is a targeted smart port to provide cutting-edge stevedore service by applying automated equipment which Busan Port Authority orders.The project ordered by Dongwon Global Terminal (DGT) Consortium and Dongwon Enterprise is targeted to initiate implementation in April 2022 and go live for the 2nd to 5th phase terminal by July 2023, and go live for the 2nd to 6th terminal by 2026. Especially for CyberLogitec, is a significant project since it is the first fully automated terminal operating system project utilizing automatic transfer equipment in the Republic of Korea.CyberLogitec introduced AI, IoT, Big Data, Hyper Automation, and Digital Twin, the latest technology required for smart ports. Implementing a smart automated terminal operating system in Dongwon Global Terminal (DGT) is expected to adopt the latest IT technology, including IoT and Big Data, and several years’ knowledge and experience.Dongwon Global Terminal (DGT), designed as the first fully automated terminal in the Republic of Korea, pursued the low-cost and high-efficiency terminal operation process. Considering the circumstance that required differentiated technology and project methodology comparing the previous domestic terminal operation system, it is expected to CyberLo http:// gitec will enhance the operation efficiency in Dongwon Global Terminal (DGT) by implementing an optimized operation process suitable for the fully automated terminal with the adoption of advanced functions in productivity and simulation. “CyberLogitec has been selected for the project of the first fully automated terminal operating system in Korea. We dedicate to the port/terminal logistics IT service technology capability and improve automated terminal operation technology in Korea through this project,” said Jeong Min Son, Head of the Port Department. Meanwhile, CyberLogitec, completed its transition of the 1st vertical automated terminal in Korea in BNCT (Busan New Port harbor no.2 and 3), and it has been seeking various types of technical cooperation with automated terminals being built.
- CyberLogitec, released the upgraded version of Logistics data integrated platform SmartLink
- Mar 2022, Seoul Korea ? CyberLogitec, the leading provider of maritime, port/terminal, and logistics operations technologies and subsidiary of EUSU Holdings, announced today the upgraded version of Logistics data integrated platform ‘SmartLink’. ‘SmartLink’ is the e-service platform that offers real-time visibility in custom declaration in advance, smart cargo tracking, reporting interface through linked data from Logistics related parties. The released version is a more upgraded platform with a cloud-based data integration function.Due to the growing issues of lack of data management capabilities and real-time data sharing problems in the global shipping and logistics market, the cloud-based platform as a solution, has recently attracted attention. The logistics industry requires various types of data processing such as IoT, pictures, PDF, etc. Yet the companies experience difficulties securingall kinds of resources due to its high cost and time-consuming.CyberLogitec’s SmartLink platform has been built based on the knowledge of CyberLogitec’s system development and its operation in maritime, port/terminal, and logistics. Hence it offers easy-to-use work for data integration in a cloud-based environment. Various types of data including documents (PDF, Excel, etc.), can be converted to EDI, XML and other types that user want it to be, and it can be shared and co-worked with external partners.Besides data integration, SmartLink also provides advanced custom declaration services in most majority countries like the USA, Japan, Canada, Europe, etc. It enhances customer service by providing real-time cargo monitoring through the linked logistics data. “As the logistics market becomes more cut-throat, the demand for an inclusive data integration platform that offers real-time data integration and data service increases. Through SmartLink, real-time data utilization increases logistics efficiency, and company competitive power can be expected.” Said Sung Joon Kim, Vice President.CyberLogitec plans to build SmartLink’s data integration service for 1000+ logistics companies using its current service customer and eventually actualize global logistics data herb.
